Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Personal Narrative Facing Your Fears - 901 Words

Facing your fears The wheels of my almost falling apart luggage where obnoxiously squeaking as I paced down the busy and rather lengthy airport hallway. Intimidated by frequent stares and unsettled by the lingering feeling of uncertainty, I tried my best to not attract any more attention than I already was. My scrawny arms struggled to lift my grey worn out bag, and I avoided eye contact at all expenses to not feel the rapidly flourishing feeling of embarrassment and regret sitting at the pit of my stomach. If you couldn’t already tell, this was the first time I have ever proceeded to fly alone, and at the inexperienced age of 13, I wasn’t too hyped about taking that step in my life, but for some stupid reason I thought I had the balls to do it in the first place. I couldn’t help but be terrified. All my life until that very moment, most challenges and tasks are overcome with the assistance of my parents. Kids don t have to worry about booking doctors appointments, paying for socc er practice, packing their lunches, and God forbid travelling alone. This generation’s corrupted society seems to give off the impression that kids don’t need to have any responsibilities nor make the effort to become a more self-reliant individual that will sustain a promising future. Unfortunately I wasn’t much different from the rest of the crowd, since I was raised an only child and the concept of becoming an independent individual was a distant concern until that very moment. This timeShow MoreRelatedThe Hippocratic Oath, By Atul Gawande1344 Words   |  6 Pagesof practicing medicine, maintaining respect for patients, and preserving humility within themselves. Modern day practice of this oath involve patient’s stories. Rita Charon in her article â€Å"What to do with Stories? The sciences of Narrative Medicine,† explores narrative writing and how to use it as a tool in healing patients. 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